Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big Business

One of my favorite non-gay blogs is Not Always Right, a collection of quotes from employees who have the courage to face the stupidity of some costumers and need to release form such stress by telling the world their storys.

One of yesterdays post made me laugh like very few had. And here it is

His Bigness Is None Of Your Business
Me: “Hello this is ***, *** speaking, how may I assist you?”

Customer: “Ah, hello. I was just wondering… you see, I run an adult dance club outside of town.You know, with male strippers and such.”

Me: “… uh huh.”

Customer: ”Well, we order our clothing through a store usually, on the internet. But I have a new man and we need some clothes for him and he’s… large.”

Me: “… uh… huh?”

Customer: “Well he… he’s very large.”

Me: “Um, well… what.. was your question?”

Customer: “Oh. Well, I was wondering what kind of fabric you might recommend for a someone in our business.”

Me: “Oh. Well, I would think something black. We have some see-through stuff. I might suggest a shimmer see through fabric. We have some of those…”

Customer: “Oh good, good. Well, how much fabric do you think we’d need?”

Me: “Well, it depends on his size. If you take some measurements, I can–”

Customer: “Well, the thing is… it’s his… his business. Can I tell you about his business…?”

Me: “Go ahead…”

Customer: ”He is 12 inches long and three inches wide. Three inches! Have you ever heard of such a thing!”

Me: “No, can’t say I have…”

Customer: ”Three inches wide! I didn’t even know they made them that wide. Do you know anyone like that? That long and that wide?”

Me: “Uh… well, my friend is… I’ve never seen him… but his girlfriend tells me he’s… exceptionally… long.”

Customer: “Oh? Your friend?”

Me: “Yes.”

Customer: “But you’ve never seen it?”

Me: *inwardly wanting to die* “No.”

Customer: “Would he be interested in exotic male dancing?”

Me: “Let’s focus on the fabrics. So you want to know how much you’ll need. Now, I can’t see you needing more than two yards in total. Probably less.”

Customer: “And that will cover his business…?”

Me: “That… will cover… his business.”

Customer: ”Because he’s big. Now your friend, how did you say you knew he was so big?”

Me: “Okay… you know what? I’m terribly sorry but my job isn’t to recruit my friends for an exotic dance club. Why don’t you measure your man, bring me the measurements and I will show you how much you need.”

Customer: “Now, is he a black man?”

Me: “Thanks for your call… goodbye.” *click*

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